Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach out if you have any questions that you do not see here. 

1. What grade levels are a part of Idaho Future Ready Academy?

Kindergarten through 12th grade.

2. What would be the student-teacher ratio? 

Although this fluctuates based on new student enrollment, the goal is to keep advisor groupings to a 1 to 30 ratio. 

3. What might a typical day be structured like with multiple students with various skill levels and needs? 

Schedules are going to be specific to student needs.  In general, students will begin by working on the Student Learning Plan, which serves as a roadmap for their day.  They may have an advisory meeting in the morning, and depending on their classes, have scheduled topic-specific courses with their teachers.  Note, personalization in this is possible.

4. What support do families receive?

Families at Idaho Future Ready Academy are provided with lots of support from professional high-quality teachers and staff, access to learning resources and community events, as well as access to a reimbursement to augment student learning.  

5. What would the IEP and/or 504 process and support look like with the possibility of many students having special needs? 

 Idaho Future Ready Academy offers a robust special education program and 504 support.  Although support in the home may look different than that offered in the brick-and-mortar setting, accommodations will be supported by qualified, trained special education staff.  An initial meeting will be held to discuss applicable accommodations in the online setting. 

6. How are students supported?

Students are provided with an advisor that works directly with them and their parents to partner in the learning of the students. Student learning plans are reviewed frequently and adjustments are made based on the needs and progress of the students.

7. Are there certain times of the year that students can enroll, or can anyone begin at any time during the year?

Enrollment is open throughout most of the school year.  Please call our school office if you have any questions based on your specific situation.

8. Do we provide computers or equipment for students?

Students have access to school-provided devices if needed.  Additionally, the reimbursement process can be used to supplement home technology needs.  Also, if you have your own working device, that can be used by the student.

9. Are there any opportunities for socialization?

Although we are a virtual school, in-person opportunities are built into the school year.  Near-monthly social enrichment events are planned and shared by advisors.  This can include museum visits, physical activities like skating, and more.  Beyond these social enrichment events, in-person labs are scheduled each month so students can meet and work with their teachers in person.

10. Are we a public school?

Idaho Future-Ready Academy is a free statewide public online school powered by the Wilder School District.

11. Which assessments will be used to identify learning levels? 

Accelerate offers pre-tests in some courses.  Those will be used to assign course placement.  In some courses, supplemental assessments, such as STAR math or ELA may be used to ensure appropriate placement based on mastery level.

12. What is the curriculum used by IFRA? Will there be any training on any new platforms for unfamiliar teachers/parents?

IFRA uses Accelerate as our K-12 core curriculum.  For grades K-5, Accelerate offers both virtual work and a physical workbook, which will be mailed, as needed.  Grade 6-12 access Accelerate exclusively online.   Training on how to navigate Accelerate will begin in your new student orientation, plus will be supported by advisor teachers.  A few other programs may be added by your teacher to support and enrich learning.  Training will be offered by the assigning teacher.